Florida Statute 1003.22 mandates compulsory immunization as a prerequisite to school attendance. This briefing provides updated information regarding NEW compulsory immunization required for school attendance.
Ø By law all students entering, attending or transferring to a public school in pre-kindergarten through 12th grade must have a completed Florida Certification of immunization Form 680, Part A, B or C, or a religious exemption DH 681 form. Forms may be printed on any color paper. Forms may be completed by the medical provider by hand or printed from the Florida State Online Tracking System (Florida SHOTS).
Ø Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, students entering, attending, or transferring to the following grades for the first time (Pre-K, 10, 11, and 12 grades) in a Florida school will be required to have one (1) dose of varicella ( chicken pox) vaccine.
Ø Beginning with the 2017-2018 school year, students entering, attending or transferring to Kindergarten, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9th grades will be required to have two (2) doses of the varicella (chicken pox) vaccine.
Ø The varicella vaccine is not required if the student has a documented history confirming the he/she has previously been infected with varicella. Please note, students that have been retained in the 9th grade must obtain one (2) dose of the varicella vaccine or show documented history of a previous varicella infection. In addition, students that have been retained in the 8th grade must obtain two (2) doses of the varicella vaccine or show documented history of a previous varicella infection.
Ø Students entering, attending, transferring, or being retained in the 7th grade will be required to be inoculated with the Tetanus and Diptheria toxoids and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine.
Ø The final dose of IPV (polio) vaccine must be administered on or after the student’s 4th birthday for entry into Kindergarten. A 5th dose is required if the 4th dose was administered prior to the 4th birthday.
Ø Students in grades 1 through 12 do not have to be recalled if all four (4) polio doses were administered prior to the 4th birthday.
Ø Pneumococcal Conjugate vaccine is required for children from 2 months through 59 months of age.
Ø Haemmophilus influenza type b (Hib) vaccination is required for public/private preschool from 2 months through 59 months of age. The number of doses required for Hib vaccination varies, depending on the child’s age and type of vaccine received. ·
Ø Two (2) valid doses of measles vaccination (MMR) are required for students enrolling in/attending Kindergarten through the 12th grades.
Ø The Hepatitis B (Hep-B) vaccine series is required for students enrolling in/attending Pre-Kindergarten through the 12th grades.
Ø In accordance with the Florida Plan for School Health Services, all Pre-Kindergarten through 12th grade students must submit documentation verifying that a student’s health examination was performed within the 12 month period preceding initial entry into a Florida school.
Ø A completed Student Health Examination (DH 3040) Form, including proof a Tuberculosis Clinical Screening and appropriate follow up if necessary, should be completed and signed by a licensed practicing health care provider, and presented to the school during initial registration.